
Martin Gächter

Economist | University Lecturer

journal articles
book contributions
working papers
policy work

Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals

Macroeconomics & Finance


'On the structural determinants of growth-at-risk', 2023, with M. Geiger and E. Hasler, International Journal of Central Banking, forthcoming.

'A Shot for the US Economy', 2022, with F. Huber and M. Meier, Finance Research Letters, 47, 102638.

'Success factors in ICOs: Individual firm characteristics of lucky timing?', 2021, with I. Gächter, Finance Research Letters, 40, 101715.

'Credit intermediation and the transmission of macro-financial uncertainty: International evidence', 2020, with M. Geiger and S. Stöckl, Journal of International Money and Finance, 108, 102152.

'The trinity of wage setting in EMU: A policy proposal', 2018, with P. Ramskogler and A. Riedl, Journal of Policy Modeling, 40(2), 284-304.

'The finance-trade nexus revisited: Is the global trade slowdown also a financial story?', 2017, with I. Gkrintzalis, Economics Letters, 158, 21-25.

'Wage divergence, business cycle co-movement and the currency union effect', 2017, with A. Gruber and A. Riedl, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(6), 1322-1342.

'Finance-augmented business cycles: A robustness check', 2016, with O.

Fernàndez-Amador and F. Sindermann, Economics Bulletin, 36(1), 132-144.

'Democratization and real exchange rates', 2016, with B. Furlan, B. Krebs and H. Oberhofer,, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63(2), 216-242.

'The Finance-Growth Nexus in Crisis', 2015, with M. Breitenlechner and F. Sindermann, Economics Letters, 132, 31-33.

'Sectoral Deleveraging in Europe and its Economic Implications', 2015, with M. Geiger, F. Glötzl and H. Schuberth, Focus on European Economic Integration, Q1/2015, 8-23.

'One Money, One Cycle? The EMU Experience', 2014, with A. Riedl, Journal of Macroeconomics, 42, 141-155.

'Finance, Potential Output and the Business Cycle: Empirical Evidence from Selected Advanced and CESEE Economies', 2014, with D. Bernhofer, O. Fernández-Amador and F. Sindermann, 2014, Focus on European Economic Integration, OeNB, Q2/2014, 52-75.

'Does monetary policy determine stock market liquidity? New evidence from the euro zone', 2013, with O. Fernández-Amador, M. Larch and G. Peter, Journal of Empirical Finance, 21, 54-68.

'Das internationale Währungssystem im Umbruch?', 2013, with E. Beckmann and D. Ritzberger-Grünwald, Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 60, 2/2013, 231-251.

'An Export-Based Measure of Competitiveness', 2013, with H. Lorenz, P. Ramskogler and M. Silgoner, Monetary Policy & the Economy, OeNB, Q2/2013, 75-92.

'Business Cycles in the Euro Area and the Impact of the Financial Crisis', 2012, with A. Riedl and D. Ritzberger-Grünwald, Monetary Policy & the Economy, OeNB, Q2/2012, 33-60.




Health Economics & Interdisciplinary


'Costs of Epilepsy in Austria: Unemployment as a primary driving factor', 2021, with S. Pirker, A. Graef and C. Baumgartner, Seizure, 89, 24-29.

'Regional Development in Advanced Countries: a Within-Country Application of the Human Development Index for Austria', 2015, with L. Schrott and E. Theurl, Danube Law and Economics Review, 6(1), 1-23.

'Regional density of private dentists: Empirical evidence from Austria', 2014, with P. Schwazer, E. Theurl and H. Winner, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 42(1), 20-29.

'Retaining the Thin Blue Line: What Shapes Workers' Intentions not to Quit the Current Work Environment?', 2013, with D.A. Savage and B. Torgler, International Journal of Social Economics, 40(5), 479-503.

'Entry into the Physician Market: Empirical Evidence from the Outpatient Sector in Austria', 2013, with P. Schwazer and E. Theurl, Danube Law and Economics Review, 4(4), 245-260.

'Physician density in a two-tiered health care system', 2012, with P. Schwazer, E. Theurl and H. Winner, Health Policy, 106 (3), 257-68.

'Stronger sex but earlier death: A multi-level socioeconomic analysis of gender differences in mortality in Austria', 2012, with P. Schwazer and E. Theurl, Danube Law and Economics Review, 1(2012), 1-23.

'Health Status Convergence at the Local Level: Empirical Evidence from Austria', 2011, with E. Theurl, International Journal for Equity in Health, 10:34.

'The relationship among stress, strain and social capital', 2011, with D.A. Savage and B. Torgler, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 34 (3), 515-540.

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